Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Final Blog

Climate change is a hot political issue and despite what people it is occurring globally.  An overall warming trend has been measure and recorded. This data has been compared to proxy-data of the past and the findings are alarming.  Since the industrial revolution the Earth has been warming at quick rate and based on the 2007 IPPC report this trend will continue, but what does climate change mean for Montreal?

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map of Canada showing Montreal in providence of Quebec near the U.S border.  Map from

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This map shows the recorded climate change happening in Canada.  Montreal has had a temperatures raise 3.5 to 4 degrees C in the 20th century and beginning of the 21st.  Map from

 Montreal is warming by looking at data from 1950 there has an overall increase with the largest temperature differences occurring in the summer, however even winter temperatures have risen as well.  So what does this all mean?   According to the IPCC report over the next century it is very likely that the temperatures will continue to rise. Summertime high and lows will near average or above average temperatures.  New record temperatures will more than likely occur on a frequent basis in the 21st century.   This temperature rise in the summer coupled with the high humidity of Montreal will more that likely lead to dangerous heat wave/ heat index potential leading to higher mortality during periods of long, high temperatures with dry conditions.  This young, sick, and elderly would be in the most danger during these events.  Also the summer temperature change along with urban heat island effects means more energy will be needed an used  to operated and run more air conditioning units which could lead to higher greenhouse gas emissions.
 Winter temperatures will also continue to rise slowly in the beginning of the 21st century, but this temperature change could increase later in the century.  This increase potential is due to the polar regions warming more rapidly and the loss of ice which reduces albedo and allows more solar radiation to reach the pole. In Montreal this rise in winter temperature has benefits.  Since Montreal is a major port city between the great lakes and the Atlantic, higher winter temperatures mean the ports can stay open longer without the constant threat of the system icing up.  This means more productivity through the winter and more economic gains yearly.

Temperature data from 1950 to 2011 for January and July.  Data unavailable from 1963 to 1973

 With climate change comes changes in weather and precipitation.  In Montreal and the surrounding region there will an increase in precipitation.  During the warmer months more tropical moisture will make it's way to the region leading to heavy rain and potential flooding risks.  Since Montreal is built on confluence of two rivers a major flood event could be catastrophic for the city.  Even minor flood events would bring a lot of damage to the city and possibly loss of life. Over the 21st century the strength of the continental polar air mass(dense, cold, and dry air) will weaken this means more moist air will be effecting Montreal's winter weather more regularly.  So more heavy snow and potentially deadly ice storms will occur more frequently.  In general during the year Montreal's seasonal averages of precipitation will change on a steady basis.

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map of a recent flood in 2011 in the Quebec Providence.  This flood was attributed to the climate change occurring.  Map from

In closing yes climate change is occurring and effecting Montreal.  However compared to other regions of the Earth the effects in Montreal is less severe.  Large scale droughts and large cyclonic storm activity is less likely to reach Montreal.  The change in sea level will also not effect Montreal since the city is well within the North American continent.  Also socially Montreal and all of Canada are one of the best nations in reducing GHGs and developing new ideas and policies to reduced the anthropological effects on climate change.  Canada in the 21st century just might be one of the leaders in helping both understanding and controlling climate change for the 22nd century.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Blog # 4

Meso-Scale  Climate Controls

1.  Montreal is located at a confluence of 2 large rivers

2.  The region is open plains and woodlands without large mountain features.

3.  Cold occluded fronts do form.  Precipitation ranges seasonally from rain, snow and ice storms.

4.  During the winter the seasonal climate is effected by cP, cA, and mP (Icelandic Low) air masses.
     In the summer cP, mP, mT(Gulf of Mexico), and cT air masses create the weather in Montreal. 
     The airmasses change seasonally due to the change in the sub solar point (sun angle) through the

Map of the air masses which affect North America.  Image from

Micro-Scale Climate Controls

1.  Higher humidity in Montreal since most of the city was built on an island surrounded by rivers.

2.  Urban heat island, the center of the city contains busy ports and the population of the city has
     grown.  This increase can be seen by looking at the historical temperature trends.  This data is from the weather station at the airport, and was gathered from

This is the July max and min temperatures from 1950 till 2011.  This data indicates a general trend of higher temperatures.  Data from 1963 through 1972 was not available from the weather station.

This is data from January from the same time and shows an increase as well.
 By looking at the data an overall the regional climate is warming.  The winter's are still very cold mainly due to the effects of the continental polar air mass which is extremely dense and dry cold air that stays around keeping the temperatures constantly low, thus the warming trend is mitigated slightly.  Summer shows the most change in temperatures.  This rise in temperatures along with the already higher humidity can raise the heat index to potentially deadly heat waves as this trend continues.

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Climagraph of Montreal showing temperature, precipitation and amount of daylight per month from

Koppen-Geiger climate classification

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This the a Koppen-Geiger climate map of the world.  Image from

Based on this scale Montreal is within the range of Dfd.  This range is
D = snow
f = fully humid
d = extremely coninental